Thursday, August 29, 2019

Toasting the Rebellion Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1

Toasting the Rebellion - Essay Example In the eighteenth century, men were seen drinking socially, regularly and considered drinking as a part of healthy diet. For the women belonging to the elite class, drinking was limited to just the wine and the toast that was raised. Public consumption was seen as a taboo for the women. Taverns and coffeehouses were considered as the best places for the male guests to indulge in heavy drinking and exchange their ideas over drinks and music in the background. The colonial Americans introduced a concept of drinking songs which they brought along with them from the musical heritage of Europe, Africa and India. This traditional folk music became so popular because it was very easy to compose and sing; anybody who had a knack for rhyming and satire can very well compose the lyrics and come up with hummable tune. A perfect example of acquired musical tradition is the song â€Å"Yankee Doodle† which actually has its origin in the British Army but it is supposed to be the American qui ntessential patriotic song for generations now. America has been a witness to a series of event that brought about the revolution; The violent display of confrontation between the crowd and the British officials, the Riots that emerged due to the Stamp Act, the Boston Massacre, The Boston tea party are to name a few.

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